Friday, December 30, 2011

3 Mistakes in Sales Compensation Plans

Sales Force Effectiveness Blog

3 Mistakes that Alienate ‘A’ Players When Designing Sales Compensation Plans

When you are designing sales compensation plans for 2012, don’t make the mistake of alienating your ‘A’ players. Our firm is at its busiest in the fourth quarter in large part because we are hired to help our clients improve their sales compensation plans. Here are three common mistakes that arise again and again that you should avoid when you design your sales incentive plans next year.

1. Caps – For some reason, companies try to “mitigate risk” by putting caps on commission plans. There may be no greater risk of demotivating your ‘A’ players than showing them their earnings will be limited with a cap. It’s the equivalent of telling Michael Jordan his baskets will stop counting after he scores 50 points in a game.

Call to Action – Push your chips into the middle of the table on your sales compensation plans. If someone blows it out next year and earns more than anyone else, so what? Pay your sales reps for doing what you hired them to do: Sell. If you are having a hard time accepting the mental model of unrestricted earnings for your sales people, consider the alternative of poor performance resulting in you being replaced.

2. Claw Backs – 90% of all compensation plans we review have some type of “claw back” language in them. This is the premise that companies reserve the right to make a rep pay back their commissions and bonuses if something changes in the account. For starters, most state laws state that if you “overpay” an employee, they have to volunteer to repay the money back. Good luck. Secondly, if you are clawing back commissions for anything other than gross negligence on the part of the rep, your incentive plan is the problem.

Call to Action – Remove this language from your sales compensation plans in 2012. This is a close second to plan caps in the demotivation department. Want to build trust and credibility with your sales team? Tell them you are taking this out and designing a sales compensation plan for them that makes claw backs irrelevant.

3. Plan Descriptions – Companies seem to measure the worth of a sales compensation plan document by its length. A 15 page sales compensation plan document is 14 pages too long. We sales people are simple animals. Don’t overcomplicate the issue. More importantly, lead with the headline. The commission plan and calculation method should be front and center on page 1, not buried somewhere on page 13.

Call to Action – Don’t bury the lead. When ESPN announced Albert Pujols’ new 10 year, $250M baseball contract, they didn’t read the fine print to viewers. Why? Because the audience wants to know what he will earn. Nobody cares that he isn’t allowed to hang glide in the offseason.
The competition for ‘A’ players in the job market is increasing every day. If you want to hang onto yours in 2012, avoid these 3 common mistakes when designing sales compensation plans.

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Location:Via Chianti,Indian Wells,United States

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Why Customer Service Is The New Marketing

ENTREPRENEURS | 12/28/2011 @ 1:43AM |13,726 views
Why Customer Service Is The New Marketing

Treat yours customers as if they were newspapers reporters; this is the new mantra for savvy companies of all sizes.

As consumers, we’ve become disenchanted with advertising and marketing of all sorts, having being duped, tricked or made to feel foolish on more than one occasion. The last true medium that holds sway is referrals from friends, colleagues, or online reviews from the likes of Yelp, AngiesList or TripAdvisor. According to a survey by the American Marketing Association, 90 percent of consumers trust peer reviews and 70 percent trust online reviews. It’s the last, true, medium that many consumers turn to when faced when inundated with choice, and confused by similar-sounding sales pitches.

Perhaps it is because reviews are the last sacred ground, that a flurry of outrage spread like wildfire across the Internet when news leaked that Reverb Communications (a PR agency) was paying interns to write positive reviews on iTunes for their clients Apps. Or when the occasional author gets ousted for disparaging competing books while positively reviewing their own. If you can’t trust advertising messages, and you can’t trust reviews, what else is left?

Based on my experience growing 99designs into a company that earns 7-figures per month, based largely on word of mouth, here are my three golden rules:

Think long-term reputation vs. short-term profit.
Trying to optimize profit on a sale-by-sale basis is a fool’s game, leads to frustrated customers and lost repeat business. When FedEx left an eBags package without a signature at our office building over the weekend which got stolen, a single email to the company resulted in a quick refund to my credit card. Compare that to a recent experience with a National Retailer, where a request for an exchange or refund took two store visits, three people, and more than 90 minutes of waiting while employees scoured the back-room for inventory that turned out to be non-existant.Even Apple lived up to its reputation recently, happily issuing me a partial refund on a laptop order after I failed to claim a discount I was eligible for. It would have been easy to transfer me around different departments, put me on hold, or outright say “no” to retroactively applying the discount. But the first person I spoke to happily made it happen even though they had no idea that we had 90+ employees on MacBook’s that we regularly refresh, spending thousands in the process. You never know who the customer is on the other end.

Identify your top customers and make them feel special.
With many companies, the most feverently loyal customers represent a disproportionately huge chunk of revenue. Knowing who those people are — and giving them special attention — is a must-do for every company. I recently had a conversation with the founder of a large Las Vegas based conference that’s been running for more than 10 years who used to identify his most influential attendees. By offering just a little bit extra (free limo service to and from the airport), a dozen influencers directly contributed to over 100 additional tickets being sold with almost no additional marketing costs.

Make yourself available.
I had my personal cell phone number on for 10-years (a site visited by more than 2.5 million people every month and ranked Top 1000 in the world), and was happy to answer more than 30 calls on Christmas Day, when a special deal we were running on the website went wonky. These days, we have dedicated support reps for us on three continents, and we’ve never outsourced to a call centre to cut costs.

Tony Hsieh from Zappos says his company loves to talk to customers, and classifies customer service as a marketing investment, rather than an expense that must constantly be slashed and analyzed. Zappos has no metrics that reps have to hit around calls per hour, average time per call, or other silly nonsense that leads frustrated customers.

Some businesses are even taking it a step further, by turning their most prolific fans into advocates and online sales people. Under Armour and Skullcandy have recruited an online sales force made up of their most loyal and knowledgable customers and are paying them with cash and gear for answering live chat requests from prospective customers on their websites. After all, who better to make authentic product recommendations and answer detailed product questions, than the customers already using them? No outsourced call centre team can match the passion, product knowledge and helpfulness of your most ardent supporters. There is hope.

Courtesy of YEC
Matt Mickiewicz, the co-founder of 99desings, started his first company while still in High School, and has leveraged his early success into 3 profitable businesses which have have published 50+ web design books in 20 languages, paid designers over $24 million for their graphic design work through 99designs, and helped entrepreneurs sell over $60 million in websites and domain names on Flippa.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:On Holiday- somewhere by a pool in Southern California desert

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Amazing Power of Deflationary Economics for Startups

Both Sides of the Table
Entrepreneur turned VC

The Amazing Power of Deflationary Economics for Startups

I’m often asked by people what investment areas interest me.

It’s true that I have a functional focus on three areas: Performance-based marketing, digital television and mobile computing. I try to invest in things that I know and that I believe I might have better knowledge and relationships than the masses of VCs.

I have other areas of interest & competence such as cloud computing and document management given my background.

It’s also true that I’m mostly founder driven, where the founding team & my personal relationship with them leads to a strong mutual working relationship. If that bond isn’t there or if it feels like I’m in a bidding process for the highest price, I might as well be Wells Fargo.

But one theme in pervasive in all my thinking about investing in Internet-based companies: Deflationary economics.

And it’s something I think you ought to consider when building your Internet businesses.

Here’s what I mean

When you think about the great achievement of the Internet in aiding content, commerce & communication they include:

Large scales of connected people & information never seen before in humanity
Unprecedented transparency of information
Open standards that make it easier to plug into other products & services, creating a global bazaar
Socially connected individuals and platforms that enable faster roll-outs of successful products
Payment ready consumers (Amazon, iTunes, PayPal) and businesses (Google AdWords, Square)
So which types of businesses become super successful given this environment?

Ones that offer amazing value (low relative margins) at high volumes that makes it nearly impossible for high-cost incumbents to compete. That’s what I mean by deflationary economics.

It is a classic case of the Innovator’s Dilemma in practice. If you’re a startup and you haven’t read my summary of Clay Christensen’s seminal work please do.

It’s the single most influential piece of work in determining my investment philosophy and how I think about markets. In a recent panel discussion I participated in with Fred Wilson he said the same.

Why Deflationary Business Win

In the simplest form, new startups have a product that is INFERIOR to that offered by the competition but at a dramatically lower price with the seller opting for a very thin margin on their product.

Initially their only customers are people who can get by on the reduced functionality or perhaps don’t have the money to spend on the expensive product.

Often it turns out that the market is greatly expanded by having a lower price point new entrant. And over time the new entrant attracts enough business that, as depicted in the graph above, the quality of the product slowly increases over time.

The new entrant keeps margins low but suddenly has a lot of profits due to large volumes of business.

How does the incumbent respond? Not by dropping price & quality – they don’t have an advantage there. Instead they spend more money trying to innovate on product quality and call attention to the weaknesses of the new entrants product quality.

Often major customers defect en masse to the new entrant as they realize that the huge price premium is not justified by the product differentials.

That is what Clay Christenson defined in his book as “The Innovator’s Dilemma.”

And this approach to looking at startup industries is what I call “deflationary economics.”

How it May Apply to Your Business?

When I’m asked about all of the mistakes I made at my first startup (I made them all) I often tell people that the single biggest mistake that I made was charging too much for my products.

We knew how to sell – we had clients paying $1 million / year. We knew there was value in what we provided. In order to grow we hired successful and expensive sales people who in turn were able to (and incentivized to) sell projects at higher margins and close big deals.

This was a mistake.

We grew really fast for a few years. But eventually low-cost new entrants came into the market offering most of our features at 10% the costs. We still won large customers but over time it became harder to compete.

Had I taken the lower-margin approach I really think I’d be sitting atop a $1 billion+ company today.

So when you start your company think carefully about whom your target customer is. If you’re trying to be a value-based product or trying to scale to a large market size you may want to think about deflationary economics.

Does your product dramatically reduce costs in an industry with large incumbents and fat margins?
Can you provide a narrowly focused product to a niche of that market who will be attracted to dramatically lower costs?
As your business grows can you find ways to continually lower your costs by whatever means?
I would also think about how you use scale to your advantage to keep margins low.

Are you offering a product where the supply costs will continue to drop precipitously? (think Amazon’s Storage costs)
Are there alternative ways to monetize your product where incumbent are not? (think virtual goods of Zynga, ad supported models, freemium models)
Are there ways to offer super low margins on your product knowing that you will overlay other product offers to the same customers later that will improve your margins?
Most of the Internet’s Greatest Successes Have Been Deflationary

Craigslist – Think about what Craigslist achieved. It’s remarkable. They took an industry that had charged people large sums of money (the classified industry) and made it almost entirely free. How do existing incumbents compete with that?

Craigslist is kind of an anomaly in that it’s founder seems to run it in a non-traditional style and with some objectives other than the pure profit motive. But by providing free listings he build critical mass (volume) so charging small amounts for certain types of listing (i.e. recruiting) he could build a very profitable business.

Craigslist is everybody’s favorite business to say, “I’m going to disrupt them” but somehow nobody has really been able to. Given their terrible UI I’m sure it will eventually happen. But beating free is hard, as is creating a two-sided market (chicken & egg problem).

Amazon – Amazon is the ultimate deflationary business. Everybody knows the story well. They launched as an online book seller.

They had huge scale advantages because they could offer a much wider book selection since they didn’t need to be limited to the physical floor space of a physical retailer.

They had huge cost advantages because they didn’t need to pay for retail space or all of the retail workers. They even

had a government break because they didn’t need to charge taxes and thus consumers got an even better price.

But Amazon didn’t try to build a hugely profitable business. Does that sound dumb? I always see naïve journalists comment negatively on businesses that are “not profitable.” Sometimes it’s good to not focus on profitability & sometimes it’s bad.

There is a tension between profitability & growth. The more you want the latter the more investments you make in people and infrastructure now to pay for faster growth that expense of short-term profitability.

It doesn’t work for every business. But if you are growing uber fast, building for scale and have access to capital to fund your growth then it’s always the smart play.

So instead of maximizing price they kept cutting costs. Innovator’s Dilemma. How do physical retailers compete with that? Especially when Amazon will offer free shipping for its best customers.

And Amazon wasn’t content with just being books, they wanted to be THE Internet retailer. Walmart in the cloud. This generation’s Sears Catalog. So they kept cutting costs of everything they offered.

And then they decided they wanted to be the Internet retailer of computing services so they created Amazon Web Services

(AWS). And they made it so cheap that everybody gravitated towards them. They had a scale advantage and were driving deflationary economics (in other words, massively driving down the costs of goods & services).

I was at when Amazon was super aggressive on that storage pricing. I met with our network experts to figure out whether we could launch a competing service. The assessment of our best experts was that we couldn’t. Their view was that Amazon was taking a loss on providing Internet storage.

I have not inside data on that but I’ll be they were right. I’ll bet that Amazon’s view was to start with a loss leader because they knew that storage costs could come down and that they could add more service on top of their storage product and ultimately provide a profitable bundle of IT services to their customers.

In other words, storage might have been a “loss leader.” In any event, they had such scale advantages in providing this Internet infrastructure that to this day nobody in the industry has come close to matching them.

In my estimation this is one of the biggest strategic mistakes Google has made in not competing more aggressively with AWS. The Cloud is the future at Amazon has an enormous lead. As far as I know, the revenue in AWS is not publicly broken out but the last rumor I heard was that it had crossed $1 billion per year.

Google – They have led the deflationary pressure on advertising, bringing whole industries into chaos. This has particularly hurt the print media businesses that can no longer charge enough to pay for editorial, printing & distribution.

They are bringing deflationary economics to word processing, spreadsheets and office automation. They are bringing deflationary economics to local advertising.

I guess I would describe Google as the ultimate scale & deflationary business.

Skype – As with many deflationary businesses, Skype started by giving away its product for free. Free phone calls anywhere in the world is as deflationary as it gets.

Telecommunication companies are still charging people for phone calls when the costs to them of providing the calls is infinitesimally small. Data transfer is what costs telecom companies money these days.

Ultimately when Skype had 10’s of millions of users it rolled out products that made money. They started with “Skype Out” which was placing a call from a Skype line to somebody on a normal telephone. They charge for this call, but they charge at rates that are an order of magnitude cheaper than a telco.

Expect this industry to be whiplashed by deflationary economics in the next 5-10 years. It’s no wonder they’re pushing so hard to be become our Internet supplier and our TV suppliers. Unfortunately for them neither of these businesses will escape the deflationary maelstrom either.

TextPlus – Speaking of telecom disruption, a new breed of mobile telco is emerging that are riding the deflationary wave. It’s the reason I invested in TextPlus. At 25 million downloads & 10 million monthly active users we’re achieving a scale that makes it a very attractive opportunity.

We started offering free text messaging at a time when most telcos are still charging $240 / year for unlimited-texting plans. In many parts of America that’s a lot of money for families to be absorbing for something that costs the telcos almost zero. That’s one reason a free texting app has been so popular.

But beyond that TextPlus now offers free phone calls to other TextPlus users and out-of-app calls are a fraction of the normal costs by mobile providers.

Expect a deflationary revolution in the global telecom market – at a minimum for voice services. And with 6 billion global handsets you can imagine what an immense market this will be.

LinkedIn – Lots of people talk about LinkedIn as a social network. What interests me is the deflationary impact that LinkedIn and other recruiting websites have had on the recruiting market.

Think of the principles I described about Internet economics of Craigslist: huge scale, many parts of the service are free and monetize the narrow features where businesses are willing to pay – and at hugely deflationary prices to their normal recruiting fees.

Zynga – Deflationary. In the offline world people were buying consoles and then paying for game titles separately – many in the $29-49 price range per game. Along comes an immensely scaled business that offers games for free.

I know, it isn’t offering the same quality of games so I’m not arguing that the entire game console business goes away over night. But it is hard to argue longer-term against the deflationary pressures that Zynga brings.

Maker Studios – Network television costs $50,000 – 100,000 per minute to produce. Reality shows can be cheaper, with the lowest-end costing $6,000 – 8,000 per minute.

Maker Studios is an Internet producer of content relying on deflationary economics. It produces shows for $500 – 1,000 per minute. It’s no surprise that it has now become one of the most viewed networks of video programming in the world, achieving 500 million video views per month having only raised $3 million in venture capital.

Maker Studios produces shows like =3 by Ray William Johnson (NSFW), one of the most subscribed to shows on YouTube. Many episodes are garnering 8-12 million views while its network competitor (and equally brilliant show) Tosh.O is getting 3 million views.

Other shows like Epic Rap Battles of History (my personal favorite – if you get addicted we’ve produced about 15 or so now. The best ones have been watched more than 35 million times) and Animonsters are delivering huge audiences and significant revenues.

I know that the networks, studios & cable companies don’t yet see this business as a threat. My experience in looking at deflationary businesses says that they should pay attention to it. Deflationary economics tend to eat at the core of traditional offline businesses.

Of course I could go on and on including businesses like AirBnB, DropBox,, Yammer and so on. All deflationary. But by now you more than got the point.

So What Do I Look for In My Investments?

Exactly what I’ve outlined.

Teams that care about keeping costs low.
Teams that want to drive waste out of the system.
Teams that have a “lean” mentality.
Teams that are comfortable with transparency of pricing & costs and don’t mind competing in that environment.
Teams who aspire to build really big businesses and believe in deflationary economics.
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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Coaching Mistakes You're Definitely Making

Believe it or not, the most intuitive coaching methods are usually the worst. Here are the top five mistakes managers make when coaching a sales rookie.
By Geoffrey James | Nov 3, 2011

whistle-bkt_11528.jpgIn business, a manager is expected to prepare employees to succeed by providing the resources, tools, and development they need to achieve their objectives.  Unfortunately, many managers have little or no idea how to coach effectively.
I will soon cover exactly how to coach salespeople (based on inputs from best-selling author and sales training firm founder Linda Richardson), but, first, check out the five most common coaching mistakes.
  • Mistake #1: Confusing Coaching with Performance Evaluations. Some managers think that the best time to provide coaching is during the employee's yearly performance evaluation.  However, evaluation and coaching are dramatically different animals. Evaluations happen every year or every quarter, while coaching, to be effective, must be an ongoing daily or weekly process. Similarly, evaluations focus on what happened in the past, while coaching focuses on what could happen in the future. Finally, evaluations mean paperwork and bureaucracy, while coaching is, by its very nature, informal and personal.
  • Mistake #2: Treating Coaching as Low Priority. Managers have many demands on their time, and they're often forced to focus on the numbers, or their own manager, simply to survive.  As a result, it's all too easy to treat coaching as something that can be postponed indefinitely. Unfortunately, without coaching, sales numbers are likely to suffer and, sooner or later, will gather negative attention from top management, investors, and (worst of all) the customers themselves.
  • Mistake #3: Finding an Excuse Not to Coach. Managers who have sold, and were good at it, may realize that the skills to succeed in sales are not the same as those needed to succeed as a coach. Managers who haven't sold for a living may wrongly believe that they can't possibly coach somebody who already knows how to sell. (In fact, anyone who has been sold to can provide valuable sales coaching.)  Finally, some companies just don't have much of a "coaching culture", which means most managers don't get coached and are not rewarded for coaching.
  • Mistake #4: Providing Feedback and Suggestions. Many managers coach by telling the person what he or she did wrong, and what to do to fix it.  While this process is time-efficient, most people respond to this kind of coaching by becoming passive-aggressive (quietly accepting but seething inside) or completely defensive (arguing the point). The manager typically fails to get buy-in from the employee and misses a chance to see where the employee is on the learning curve. Worst case, feedback/suggestion coaching damages the relationship.
  • Mistake #5: Coaching By Example. This is the worst mistake of all. The manager and the rep go on a sales call together and, the moment it seems as if something is going awry or not according to the manager’s expectations, the manager jumps into the situation and "shows how it’s done."  This type of coaching destroys the sales person's credibility with the customer and, worse, can easily backfire, because the manager may not know the entire situation with that customer.
I hope that nobody recognizes themselves in the mistakes described above. If so, don’t take it to heart. Such mistakes are so common that most sales reps don’t expect anything better. Fortunately, coaching more effectively is easy to learn, as you’ll find out soon.

Monday, November 7, 2011

3 Ways Sales Management Can Make Their Quota

Posted by Dan Perry on Sun, Oct 30, 2011
57% of all sales reps will make their quota this year.  Sales Management: This means almost HALF of your reps are missing their goal.  Unless you have some unbelievable ‘rainmakers’ on your team, you are probably missing your quota as well.  With the end of the year approaching, most CEOs and VP of Sales are thinking about INCREASING your Sales Management quota for next year.
What are you going to do?
Making your quota for 2012 requires changing things.  The status quo is no longer acceptable.  You have to increase your sales team’s quota attainment.  If your quota has been set properly, the sales reps on your team will need to hit at least 65% of their quota.  This means 6.5 out of 10 sales reps must be 100%+ to quota.
 Can you make this happen without LOWERING the quotas?
You make your number by coaching to your sales process. You make your number by coaching to success metrics (Close Rate increase, Sales Cycle Length decrease etc.)  You make your number by coaching to dealstrategy
3 Ways Sales Management can make quota (by coaching):
# 1 - Delivery of your message.  The way you DELIVER your message has a direct impact on the perceived CONTENT of the message.  The way you use effective words and pitch in the message is critical in your point to be taken. Most successful coaches talked at a faster rate than ‘normal’ and their emphasis was is consistent throughout their delivery.  They BELIEVED in their message and the ‘receiver’ thought the coach had their best interest at heart.
      Remember:  You can’t fake confidence.
MIT’s Sloan School of Management had 42 MBA students write and then present a business plan.  The students, all who had previous business experience, were ranked in three areas: persuasion, content and style.  Even though the three areas were ranked separately, if a student ranked HIGH in ONE area, they scored well in all areas.  When separate judges just READ the plans, they chose differently than the judges who witnessed the presentations.
#2 - Situational Coaching.  Don’t peanut butter spread the coaching.  One size does not fit all.  New hires need different coaching then tenured reps.  Average performers are coached differently than Top performers.  You must change your style to the sale rep you are developing.  Assess where they are and use the below chart as a rule of thumb:


#3 - Regular Cadence.  Establishing a fixed schedule that allows you the ability and opportunity to coach at all times is critical. You must be in the field with your sale reps.  This results in situations which you can observe their behavior and develop them.  Use the scenario, their exact words to help them improve on flawed behaviors.  Things like questioning skills, non-verbal communication, adherence to following the sale process etc.  These will improve their productivity. Use this table for guidance:
Sales Management Coaching Situations
Actions Required
Planned One On Ones (in the calendar)
Set an agenda with regular items formally reviewed each session. Sales Rep comes prepared with tools, responses and action items
In the Moment
Coach specifics that were just observed or discussed.  The most critical and impactful of all coaching, this needs to be done on a regular occurrence (Like Daily!)
Scheduled Semi Annual Reviews
Formal sessions discussing long range development usually tied to success metrics (quota attainment) and competencies. You must develop an Individual Development Profile and monitor the progress.
Making your quota is much more than simply filling the team’s pipelines and closing sales.  It is coaching your sales rep and developing them into ‘A’ players.  It is training to the sales processWe work with many sales managers who have ‘jumped off the Ferris wheel of doing deals’ to creating awesome sales reps. 
 One of the most significant sales management changes witnessed is by Brent Babbs. Brent took over a struggling sales team in Chicago moving from ‘A’+ sales rep to sales manager.  Brent carried the quota for the team for many years being recognized as a top sales rep in the company.  When he was promoted, the first year Brent was 99.9% of quota for his team.  Good enough to get his bonus but definitely not practicing the three steps outlined above.  His team made the quota because Brent sold all the deals.  His reps would get him into the prospects and (as one sale rep told me) Brent would take over and close the sales.  He had no turnover in sales reps that year (because they made all the commissions on the back of Brent).
The following year, Brent dedicated himself to coaching his people.  He devoted his time to the steps above and had awesome results (top SM in a company of 65 SMs).  He subsequently got promoted.  He made his sales team quota by not selling all the deals himself but coaching his sales people to sell while he coached them to improve.
Do you exhibit Brent’s early characteristics?  Can you change?  Devote your energy to the 3 ways to make your quota and you will do it!

3 Dumbest Sales Job Interview Questions... and What to Ask Instead

Need a stronger sales team? When you've got a potential hire in the hot seat, make sure you're asking the right questions.

When it comes to generating revenue and profit, there is simply no task more important than hiring the right sales staff.  Unfortunately, most companies find this process extraordinarily challenging, as evidenced by high turnover rates.
According to CSO Insights, a company that surveys and studies sales teams worldwide, one out of three sales professionals on average leave the organization within a year.  Between ramp-up costs and lost opportunities, a bad sales hire can easily cost $150,000… or much more.
Over the next few weeks, I'll be writing plenty of "how to" information about building a top performing sales team.  For now, though, let's start with the basics. Here are three questions that often get asked during sales interviews, but which tend to lead to hiring the wrong sort of person.
Question #1: "What experience do you have selling this kind of product?"
Why It Gets Asked: You're assuming that years of experience automatically translate into real world sales ability.
Why It's Dumb: Three reasons.  First, it's perfectly possible to make the same mistakes repeatedly over multiple decades.  Second, the process of selling, especially B2B, has changed so radically over the past decade that past experience, even when it once generated big sales, may not be applicable any longer.  Finally, and most importantly, if the candidate has been selling for a competitor, the experience is likely to irrelevant, since your competitor probably plays a very different role in your market than your own company.
What to Ask Instead: "What experience do you have selling for companies of our size in a similar industry?"
Why This is Smarter:  Small and medium companies have to sell differently (i.e. better and faster) than their large competitors, otherwise they'll get forced out of business.  Even when smaller companies compete for the same business, there will usually be a price leader (where the main buying motivator is cost), a brand leader (where the main buying motivator is reputation) and a value leader (where the main buying motivator is the impact of a solution), according to Mary Delaney Mary Delaney, president of Personified, a subsidiary of CareerBuilder.  "Rather than hiring from your competitors, you want to find sales pros who have been successful selling for the same type of successful company as your own, but in another industry," she says.

Question #2: "Can I have some customer references?"
Why It Gets Asked: The logic is simple: if candidates know how to make former customers happy, they’ll know how to make your customers happy.
Why It's Dumb: As the saying goes, "a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while."  Even the worst sales pros are likely to have a couple of customers willing to sing their praises. Worst case, the "customer" may actually be a relative or friend queued up to say nice things, no matter what.
What to Ask Instead: "How can I contact the managers for whom you’ve worked in the past?"
Why This is Smarter: Poor sales performers leave a trail of dissatisfied managers in their wake. "Never hire a candidate unless you can talk to somebody who’s paid the candidate in the past and who says that you'd be crazy not to hire that candidate," says Jerry Acuff, author of the bestseller The Relationship Edge: The Key to Strategic Influence and Selling Success. "Hiring problems occur when we hire people we like and, because we like them, we want to believe that they have talents that they don’t actually have."

Question #3: "How much money did you make at your last sales job?"
Why It's Asked: You want to ensure that you make a competitive offer.
Why It's Dumb: Sales compensation is always an "apples to oranges" comparison.  Unless your company has the identical commission and bonus structure, the actual compensation will be different, even if the candidate, after being hired, sells the same amount.  Furthermore, the candidate may exaggerate his or her past performance in the hope of getting a better deal.
What To Ask Instead: "What was your quota?  How often did you make it?  And what did you report on your W2?"
Why This is Smarter: These questions cut to the nub of the sales process, which is the ability to perform consistently and according to plan.  What’s more, they allow you to assess candidates for honesty and candor.  "Before you hire anybody, make certain that they’re trustworthy by asking the same question multiple ways," says Delaney.  "If there's any disconnect between the answers, then you know that the person you're interviewing might not be entirely honest."

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Beware the Digital Disruptors: They’re Coming for Your Industry

Beware the Digital Disruptors: They’re Coming for Your Industry

James L. McQuivey, Ph.D. is a Vice President and Principal Analyst at Forrester Research serving Consumer Product Strategy professionals. Follow him on Twitter at @jmcquivey.

Growing up in the ’70s, I was the world’s biggest fan of The Bionic Man. Every Sunday night at 7 p.m. you could find me glued to our Trinitron TV to watch Steve Austin battle every villain from Bionic Sasquatch to the evil Dr. Dolenz. The appeal of the show was simple: Amplified by technology, the Bionic Man is better, stronger, and faster than his enemies.

It turns out to be a morality tale for our own day. But you are not the bionic man in the drama I’m unfolding — you are his target. Because while you were carefully planning your business strategy, hundreds — if not thousands — of individuals and competitors have been exploiting technology to make themselves better, stronger, and faster than you.

We call these people digital disruptors. And they’re coming right for you.

No matter what industry you are in, you are their target. Where you could once dismiss digital disruption as the sole province of the music or other media industries where it destroyed billions in value, digital disruption has now expanded. These disruptors employ technologies — and the platforms they enable — to build better products than you can, establish a stronger customer relationship than you have, and deliver it all to market faster than you ever thought possible.

Oh, and it doesn’t cost anywhere close to six million dollars for them to get started. I offer Lose It! as one of many case studies worth considering. Targeting the weight loss and fitness business — one of the most analog industries on the planet — Lose It! is disrupting the more than $40 billion Americans spend on weight loss each year. It’s a costly industry to enter — think of Jenny Craig’s marketing budget alone, then add its hundreds of physical locations, prepared meals, and all the infrastructure to support the entire enterprise. So while franchises like The Biggest Loser have succeeded in entering this business recently, they have done so at great cost.

Meanwhile, a single app that helps dieters keep track of the calories they consume on their smartphones has gone from 0 to 7 million downloads in just a few years. FitNow, the company behind the app, pulled this off with four employees, establishing an unheard of customer-per-employee metric of 1.75 million.

This is digital disruption at its finest: better, stronger, faster. The app got to market quickly, partly because as a digital disruptor, FitNow could afford to launch something that didn’t try to solve all the problems in the weight-loss world. As Charles Teague, CEO, told me recently, “Let’s not pretend that we know the endgame here. Let’s do the least amount of features to know if it will work. Then improve it if people use it.” And improve it they have, adding fitness tracking and more recently a robust social community of like-minded dieters.

Because it sounds so easy, a CEO I shared this with asked me why, if digital is so quick and dirty, his company’s website redesign was over time and over budget. I told him it was precisely because he staffed up his business under assumptions about design and functionality that were true in 2005 but are no longer the case. Digital disruption has even disrupted the digital businesses that preceded them.

While digital disruptors are better, stronger, and faster, they are not untouchable. Their ease of entry comes from the fact that traditional barriers have fallen to zero. That means your direct cost to emulate their practices can also be low.

That’s why I recommend you steal the digital disruptor’s handbook. Use the iPad, the Kinect, and whatever platform is next to build a digital bridge to your customers. Like with Lose It!, your bridge must engage customers more often than your current product can, packaging and delivering benefits that you didn’t realize were part of your consumer contract because before now, they weren’t. You have to change your understanding of your product so you can then change your customer’s understanding of it as well. This will require better thinking than you currently do – I previously explained how digital disruptors take advantage of a type of thinking called “innovating the adjacent possible.” It’s crucial to generating more ideas more quickly so that you can find the nearby opportunities that will succeed while quickly culling those that will fail.

There’s more to do, but before you can even begin, you have to know: Are you ready to do this? Does your company have the energy, skills, and policies to turn into a disruptor or are you more likely to be displaced by the digital disruptor nearest you?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


The Best-Kept Secrets Of Doing A Competitive Analysis

The Best-Kept Secrets Of Doing A Competitive Analysis

When recently asked about their best-kept secrets to performing a competitive analysis for their brands, YEC members had the following to say.
1. Have an undercover ambassador
Performing your own market research for a competitive analysis, especially when you are publicly known among your competition, just doesn't work. Identify people who can act as an undercover ambassador on your behalf and go into the market to get firsthand feedback on how your brand is perceived and insight on your competition and how they are doing. Organic data points provide the most value.
2. Look to product review sites
One thing that we commonly do is look to product review sites like or eBay and search for user reviews. What are customers saying about the product? What do they want to see? What did they like/dislike? Do this for both your product and that of your competition and you will be really surprised by what you see. Plus, it gives you an action list of things to do to make your products better.
3. Use
Competitor analysis is imperative to any business in order to improve products/services in order to gain an edge over the competition. Utilize a service like to understand how your competitors are driving traffic and acquiring customers online. This information will help you devise a more comprehensive marketing strategy.
4. Don't stare down the competition
While it's important to keep an eye on what other's in your field are up to, it's equally—if not more—important to ignore the competition. Don't let what everyone else is doing drive you to change your values and direction as a company. Focus not on being better than everyone else, but instead on being your very best.
5. Conduct a survey
When I was building the coaching arm of my business, I released a survey to my already-existing audience in order to get a feel for where my readers were hanging out, who loomed large in the industry, and what affected their purchasing decisions. It helped me pinpoint my primary competition and find ways to distinguish myself.
6. Do a mini analysis on social media
The best way to perform a competitive analysis for your brand is to do a mini social media analysis to see how you compare to your competition in terms of followers, fans and type of content posted. You also want to measure level of engagement with their fans versus your own fan base to see how you compare to the competition!
7. Use BoardReader
I use BoardReader whenever I'm doing market research, be it for a current project or a new idea. It's a nice way to assess the world of forums, specifically, which is often overlooked despite it being the original manifestation of niche communities online.
8. Test your customer loyalty
There are many companies that boast about massive mailing lists and thousands of users, but what makes a company valuable is the level of interest and loyalty your customers demonstrate towards your brand. This can be converted to monetary equity and rapid growth quite easily. Ask your customers for a favor and objectively track the number of customers who follow through. Then share your results.
9. Use an objective eye
Coming from the bar and restaurant industry, I can't go to my venues to conduct an analysis about my brand because my staff acts differently when I'm there. So instead I go to my competitors and simply act like a customer. I then send secret shoppers to my venues and compare my feedback of the competitors with the spotters' feedback of my venues.
10. Use
SEOMoz's tool,, allows you to see links linking to your competitors, so you get a better idea of how they've been able to market their brand, which media outlets are talking about them and how much work you need to do to catch up and overtake them.
11. "SizeUp" your competition for free
 is a free business intelligence tool that will rock your entrepreneurial world. It instantly develops interactive charts to illustrate how your business compares to competitors, identifies best places to advertise and maps competitors, customers and suppliers. It's a great tool to utilize for investment pitches, business plan enhancements or overall business development tactics.
12. Buy from your competitors
It always amazes me how few people don't go beyond looking at what's publicly available on a competitors website; going through the entire sales process (and yes, that includes submitting credit card information) will give you much more useful information. We've even done usability studies which include our top three competitors to see how customers perceive our brand versus theirs.
13. Check out what YC and 500 Startups are investing in
Y Combinator, 500 Startups and Tech Stars are investment groups/incubators that are constantly carving out the tech landscape. If you are in the tech space and researching the competition in your space, you can be almost 100 percent sure that some of the most promising up-and-comers in your vertical are part of one of those groups