Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why the reposts you may ask?

I got to thinking the other day and asked the question 'is anybody really interested in reading reposted articles from wine spectator, wine enthusiast, sailing world, watchtower/awake, Inc, Fast Company, etc etc.".  I'm not really sure if you or others are or are not.  Some may ask, 'why do you do it.'  Frankly I repost articles for two reasons,

1. To have a better reference of articles I am interested in reviewing again later than just having a bookmark in my browser and,
2. I believe that someone else out there has the same interest I have in business development, family, burgundy (or wine in general), surfing, sailing, sales, marketing, social media, etc etc.

I just post stuff or write about stuff that I find of interest.  I hope you find some of it of value as well!

kevin l. brown

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