Friday, September 7, 2012

Jeff Bezos And The End of PowerPoint As We Know It

Jeff Bezos And The End of PowerPoint As We Know It - Forbes LEADERSHIP 
9/07/2012 @ 10:26AM

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos addresses a press confer...
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos addresses a press conference to introduce new Amazon and Kindle products in New York, September 28, 2011.(Image credit: AFP/Getty Images via @daylife)
The next time you deliver a PowerPoint presentation that matters—a product launch, investor pitch, new client meeting— take a cue from Amazon CEO Jeff Bezosand ditch the bullet points. When Bezos unveiled the all-new new Kindle Fire HD this week, his presentation slides were light on text and heavy on images. It’s a new style of delivering presentations that is fresh, engaging, and ultimately far more effective than slide after slide of wordy bullet points.
Since I wrote The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs, I’ve noticed that many business leaders around the world are adopting the image-rich style including very famous CEO’s such as Facebook founder Mark ZuckerbergYahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, and even Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. The style works for any leader, in any industry. Ford CEO Alan Mulally even called me personally to thank me for revealing the techniques. Note—Steve Jobs used Apple Keynote software for his presentations, as do current Apple executives. However, since most people use PowerPoint, I use “PowerPoint” as a synonym for presentations. While there are differences between Keynote and PowerPoint, effective storytelling techniques apply equally to both. And no, Steve Jobs did not invent the style. He just happened to use it very effectively.
Now back to Bezos. The typical PowerPoint slide has forty words. It was nearly impossible to find forty words on ten slides of the Amazon presentation. Bezos told the story behind the new products in images and text. I’ve discussed this technique before in more detail but in short, it’s called Picture Superiority. It simply means that the brain processes information more effectively when the information is presented in pictures and words instead of words alone. Neuroscientists have also found that when a slide (or advertisement) contains pictures and words, it’s best to have the picture on the left side of the page or slide and words on the right. This is exactly what Bezos did for a majority of his slides.
For example, Bezos introduced the new Kindle Fire HD with a series of slides that just showed images of the products features and services (movies, games, photos). He also played a new video ad (most people don’t use enough multimedia in their presentations. Video clips are engaging and memorable. Just keep them short). On the final slide where Bezos revealed the price, he included a picture of the device on the left side of the slide and these words on the right:
Kindle Fire HD
7” 16GB
Earlier in the presentation, Bezos unveiled the Kindle Paperwhite, an e-reader with a higher resolution display and patented built-in light. Bezos said the battery lasts eight weeks. Most presenters would have added “8 weeks battery life” to a long list of bullet points/features on one slide. Instead Bezos showed a picture of a calendar with the months September and October. September 6—the day of the presentation—was highlighted in red and Bezos told the audience that the battery would last until the end of October. That’s memorable. People will recall the text—8 weeks battery life—much more easily because it was connected with the image of the calendar. I know I will. That’s picture superiority—a little text and a lot of pictures.
I know what some of you are thinking—it works for Bezos because he’s revealing products that people can see and touch. Let me be clear—picture superiority works in any presentation, even for the most complex ideas. I recently gave a presentation on the topic of communication and storytelling to scientists at one of America’s largest nuclear labs. One person implemented the techniques immediately and sent me an email, saying it helped him deliver one of the most persuasive presentations of his career.
In no way am I advocating that you ditch PowerPoint. I am recommending that you ditch PowerPoint as we know it—dull, wordy, and overloaded with bullet points. Image-rich presentations work effectively because pictures appeal to the right hemisphere of the brain—the emotional side. You can have great ideas backed up by data and logic, but if you don’t connect with people emotionally, it doesn’t matter.
Carmine Gallo is the communications coach for the world’s most admired brands. He is a popular keynote speaker and author of several books, including the international bestsellers The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobsand The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs. His new book, The Apple Experience: Secrets to Building Insanely Great Customer Loyalty is the first book to reveal the secrets behind the stunning success of the Apple Retail Store. Follow Carmine on Facebook or Twitter.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Brown Family Vacation 2012

Brown Family Vacation 2012
We arrived home this week from a great adventure full of lifetime memories! Darlene, Austin and I traveled to Boston, rented a Suburban and drove 5 hours up the east coast through Massachusetts, New Hampshire and up Highway 1 through Maine to Mt. Desert Island Maine. 

Approximately 12 years ago I had the pleasure of meeting Rich and Barb Dickson on a 10' Avon dinghy at Chicago Yacht Club.  We were riding out to the sailing vessel Astra to meet our mutual friend Mike Mayer.  While Rich and I had not met we became fast friends as watch partners on the Chicago Mackinac Yacht Race.  A few years later we spent a few weeks sailing the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas on Richs cruising sailboat Chimera.  After Darlene and I married in 2004 we visited with Rich and Barb in Chicago and became better friends at the 2006 Verve Cup Yacht Race.  

A few years back Rich and Barb purchased some land on Mt Desert Island in Northern Maine and built their amazing retirement home Broad Reach.  Below is a narrative and pix of our first of what we hope to be many visits to see Rich and Barb at Broad Reach on Somes Sound Maine! 

I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Beehive Hike in Acadia National Park

We took a fantastic hike up the Beehive trail in the Acadia National Park! So cool, amazing view!
Here are some pix we took, I stole from other sites and a cool clip from YouTube I found!

View up Beehive from Sand Beach Parking Lot

Rich and Austin above Sand Beach after the Beehive Hike!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Broad Reach- Mt. Desert Maine

Rich and Barbs home is near Broad Cove on Somes Sound.  Their compound is called Broad Reach which is a point of sail or wind direction that is one of the fastest and most enjoyable points of sail.  Some pix below of Broad Reach.  There are two guest houses-1 above the carriage house and one below the main house near the dock.  Both guesthouses have forest and water views and are wonderfully appointed for comfort and relaxation!

Out and About Mt. Desert Island Maine

Out and about on Mt. Desert Island Maine and surrounding islands!Darlene at Little Cranberry Island

Lobsters at Richs in Bass Harbor

View across Bass Harbor 

The Famous Hinckley Yacht Facility in Southwest Harbor-where Chimera and many other beautiful and famous yachts were built! 

The Barbara Anne! 

Cruising into Southwest Harbor for a lovely Dinner at Red Sun

Lobsterman Austin

Rich and Barbs neighbor is a 'gentleman lobsterman' who has 5 traps near his waterfront home.  He took Austin and the kids of Rich and Barbs nephew out to catch some lobbys! What an experience for Austin to pull up the traps and bring the catch! 

A few random shots- 
1. Our lunch on Islesford on Little Cranberry Island Maine- quaint little village for a lobster roll, a beer and a some shopping for the girls. 

#2- Rebecca- 140' Ketch moored in Somes Sound- AMAZING yacht, google her if you have time for more details! 
#3-afternoon sail with my lovely wife Darlene! I think our 13yr old was at the helm! 

Barb Dickson and my lovely wife Darlene.  "boats, boats, boats, boats" that seems to be all they talk about. No wait-thats all the girls say Rich and I talk about!

More from Maine! Rich and Barb have 2 boats on moorings near their dock. 1-Chimera which is a custom Alden designed and Hinkley built yawl and the Barbara Anne a 26' custom lobster boat for coastal cruising!